Friday, March 29, 2013

Gun Control, my Current Events Report

This is a report I had to write for one of my classes. It was a lot of fun to put my thoughts together and to think about things that sometimes we might get a little worked up about, but are still big issues. 


The issue of Gun Control has been a very pressing and a controversial issue since President Obama was reelected in November 2012.  On January 16th President Obama signed an executive order to put bans on guns, namely assault weapons. He has said that “Now is the time, to do something about gun violence!” On January 30th 2013 The President released his plan to protect our children and our communities by reducing gun violence. He plans to do the following:

1. Close background check loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands;
2. Ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and taking other common-sense steps to reduce gun violence;
3. Making schools safer; and
4. Increase access to mental health services.

I am going to show you why I and the vast majority of Americans believe that this plan is weak and ineffective. Why putting bans on guns and trying to control the way we use our guns is wrong and totally unconstitutional. First of all, let’s go through President Obama’s plan and see just what he wants to do and why it won’t work.
The first thing that President Obama has on his list of “to do’s” relating to gun control is to “Close background check loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands.” Well, what a smart idea! If every criminal were getting their guns legally anyway, actually, only about six percent of guns used in murders and other crimes are bought legally. The rest of the overwhelming majority of guns used for murders are bought illegally. They are sold for anything from hard cash to drugs. They are passed from criminal to criminal, sold and resold again and again.

Why do we need to keep an eye on guns? What can guns do? It’s almost like the President thinks that guns are living things. But in case you didn’t know guns don’t kill people, people kill people. I’m not saying that we need to “ban bad people” I’m saying that guns are not the problem, and that there are better ways to stop gun violence. I shall explain this more thoroughly as I continue.

President Obama’s second “to do” on his list is to Ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and taking other common-sense steps to reduce gun violence.  
Hahah, sorry, I just have to laugh! I just don’t see how banning “military-style assault weapons” or any other “style” of gun for that matter could be effective, right or have any common-sense. First there is the Second Amendment which states. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. A militia is a group of citizens that basically form a military. They are trained and ordered by the government, and as history has shown us so many times, governments can become corrupted and tyrannical. They use these Militaries to make arbitrary wishes come to pass. So if the people can’t have the ability to protect our States and Nation as a whole from tyrannical leaders and unconstitutional acts we will eventually lose everything that we have ever stood for that is right and good. Second of all, banning assault weapons and any other kind of gun has already been tried in the United States. Chicago Illinois has had a hard pressed gun ban for quite a while now, and did you know that Chicago is the murder capitol of the United States? Well it is. Clearly banning guns does not prevent murders or from criminals from getting all kinds of guns, including assault weapons.

The third thing that President Obama plans to do is to “Make schools safer.”  He plans to make schools safer by providing incentives to hire school resource officers, and put up to thousands of new school resource officers on the job. To make sure there is plenty of mental health help in the schools and to give the schools resources for emergency everything.

Sounds great Mr. President! But may I ask…where is that money going to come from? You are already taxing the heart and soul out of the people. You are spending every cent of our money overseas, on health care and all kinds of things that obviously haven’t been helping anything. You really expect these things to keep the children safe? The problem here is guns right? Well, isn’t every school zone in America a gun free zone? If there was supposed to not be guns in and around the schools why have there been so many shootings inside of the schools? My personal opinion is that if teachers and parents and other capable adults were able to carry concealed guns inside of the schools there would never be a problem, in fact there would be less deaths because if there was a person with a gun and bad intentions there would be at least one person with a gun and good intentions to match them, therefore being able to protect our children and anyone else in danger.

The fourth and final thing President Obama wants to do to decrease gun violence is to “Increase and improve access to mental health services.” He says, “While the vast majority of Americans with a mental illness are not violent, several recent mass shootings have highlighted how some cases of mental illness can develop into crisis situations if individuals do not receive proper treatment.” Personally I think that there are other ways than to just treat mental illnesses, I think we can prevent them. I think that if there wasn’t so much economic pressure on the American people there wouldn’t be so many problems that cause people to have these mental illnesses. If people weren’t so stressed about the problems that our government has created then maybe there wouldn’t be so many mental illnesses that needed fixing.

I really could go on and on about all the things that I think are going wrong with our government and the things that cause mental illnesses but I think I explained much of the situation with gun control and how it will affect our situation, so let me just close with this. The Second Amendment simply states that the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. I don’t care what kind of Arm it is, anything that is made to protect and defend is a God given right. The founders clearly outlined what the limit on gun control is, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall NOT be infringed. It doesn’t matter. There are much better ways to protect our children and our rights, we need to protect our rights and the only way to protect our life, liberty, property and our families is with a legitimate weapon. President Obama has no legal or any other kind of right to sign an executive order and take “necessary measures” to put an end to gun violence.

The rights of the people still remain, nothing can take those away. It doesn’t matter if the police come to my home and demand to have my guns they will have to shoot me first. I will not be forced to give up my liberty and live in a Hitler’s Germany. We must protect our freedom, for ourselves, our children and grandchildren and for those who built this great land, with their hands and their guns.

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