Mission is something that I have been told about all my life. I've always been told that I'm here for a purpose, and accomplishing that purpose is my mission in life. I have spent hours upon hours thinking, pondering, and praying, wanting to know what my mission is. Each day I live, another part of that mission joins with the rest. Sometimes when I think I know exactly what I'm supposed to do, and I try to live up to that, something happens that changes it all. These things always seem to shake their head and say, Nope, sorry Missy. You ain't got it all yet. Don't try to be smarter than you really are.
Yeah, these moments make me humble, and sometimes with my stubbornness it's really hard to eat. But the biggest thing that I've learned about mission is that you don't really fully and completely know exactly what it is until after you have lived it for a while.
Websters 1828 Dictionary defines Mission as,
A sending or being sent, usually the latter; a being sent or delegated by authority, with certain powers for transacting business; commission; as sent on a foreign mission.
So basically you have been sent by authority, with certain powers to accomplish this mission. I'm going to talk about these three things. 1. Sent by authority. 2. Certain powers. And 3. Your mission. Answering the Call.
The first thing to know after knowing that you do have a mission is where the mission came from. As Webster said, you're sent by authority on this mission. I believe that this Authority is my Heavenly Father, God. He knows me and everyone else better than we could ever start to know ourselves here in this life. He knows what each of us are capable of, and he gives us missions to suit those capabilities. No one is ever given a mission that they can't accomplish.
Certain Powers:
Since you are sent here to accomplish your mission by great Authority, you are also given certain powers with which will help you accomplish this mission. I kind of like to think of my certain powers as The Force. For those of you who have seen Star Wars will know what I'm talking about. (If you haven't seen it, I suggest you take an adventure tonight. :D) Anyway, this "Force" is the tool you have been given to help you accomplish your unique mission. Everyone uses this Force a little differently. It affects everyone a little differently. And we all are at a different place in our ability and know-how of using this Force. These Certain Powers, this Force, is different for every person. Because we all have a different mission. Some people might be able to talk to people comfortably, and to just be friends with everyone. While another person might be really shy but really logical and always thinks things through very carefully. One person might be able to do anything with music, while another is able to build things with their hands. All of these Powers are a Force with which they can fulfill their specific mission. Your Mission. Answering that Call:
My mission is something that is greatly important to me. Nothing is more important to me than fulfilling that thing that I was born to do. I promise that when you LIVE your mission, when you actually DO what you were born to do, you WILL change the world one.step.at.a.time.
So get up, and start walking! :)
Excellent Post Missy!