I am sleep deprived. Time deprived. I feel like if anyone asks me to do one more thing I'm going to tear their head off. I don't have enough time to get what I should get done done, and I really don't have enough time to do the things I really want to do, and I'm sorry, but I certainly don't have enough time to do this little thing for you that will take me about ten minutes! I can't find time to clean my room let alone help babysit! Who do people think I am? Super woman? Well sorry! I'm just here trying to get the education I need so I can like, change the world and here you are asking me to step away from it even for a minute! Inconceivable!
Well blah! Regardless of how silly that all sounded we all feel that way sometimes, not seeing the irony in it all. These are challenging times for everyone. Everybody has something tough going on in their life. People get hurt, die, lose jobs, homes, family members. People fail classes, hurt themselves with a butter knife, (yes it happens) break off an engagement. Lose a baby, lose a friend. People drown in debt, pain, and stress. Some people only have one leg or one arm. Some people live in a much more blah life than you do. Someone is literally in a life or death situation at this very second while you complain about everything you have to do and not having enough time. Be glad your challenges are yours.
I look at some of my friends and everything they deal with everyday at school and then at home, not even including homework or things they don't have time for. I complain about my dad not being home enough, but hey! At least I live in the same house as both of my parents. Almost more than half the people I know can't say that.
But just because you have certain blessings that others may not have right now doesn't mean that your life is perfect. Pft. It's not supposed to be. You and I both know we are still going to drown in the pool of the blahness. No matter where we are at in life we all have those days. That is one of the things we all have in common. But did you know that you can give the blahs, blahs?
*Nods head vigorously* You sure can! Make the crappy blahs fill crappy by making you feel happy in some way. Smile! Make someone else smile. Stop right now and write a note to your annoying brother telling him you love him. Tell your homework you will get back to it in a few minutes and go do the dishes. If you sit there dwelling on your blahness you are going to feel like, well, blah. But if you get up and do something worth it you might not get rid of them completely, but they will diminish. You won't hit the water quite so hard, and you might just get a breath before you go under again, just enough so that you can survive. Just have faith and it will happen. Cross my heart, and hope to die.
So let's get up and give those blahs the blahs!
Ready? 1, 2, 3, Go!

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