Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hoping for a Sunburn

My baby fell asleep during a walk up the street today and now she's in bed while I sit outside soaking up some more March sunshine. The thing about March where I live is that we get some warm spring like days and who knows if you'll wake up to snow or not in the morning. So you have to soak it up when you can.

I'm probably the whitest I've been in my life right now. I've spent most of my life outside but last year I was very pregnant during the warmest months and was already hot and miserable as it was.

So here I am, pants and sleeves rolled up watching flies, ladybugs and tractors roll by and listening to good ol' country music. We all know how uncomfortable sunburns can be if you get a very bad one. (Wich is easy to do when you're butt white.) And yet it's almost a sign of accomplishment.

For some reason you were outside. Planting a garden, reading a book, hiking, goofing at the park with people you love, or writing a blog post about sunburns. Sunshine makes me want to to do things. Get up in the morning and get stuff done. I did things this morning that I've been putting off for a while and it feels good to do finally have it done even though it was super simple.

Too much of my life is spent inside being sad and unfulfilled even though I'm usually pretty productive on a normal day. I don't always get the dishes or laundry done but we always have full belly's and feel loved and that's what matters most. I watch to many shows and don't read enough books. Spend too much time on Instagram and not enough time writing.

Sometimes I think I have to always be moving and doing "things" when really I need to go outside, sit and listen to the birds. Life is about the simple little things that we so easily forget about. My goal this year is to be happier. That doesn't happen by buying new clothes and having a spotless house. It comes by enjoying the simple things like sunshine and kisses.

Now, to continue getting my sunburn. ;)


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