Thursday, June 13, 2013


Take a minute and listen to this song.

I found this song not too long ago and I really liked it. But I finally just took a moment to sit and really let the words sink in. Chances. It's so fitting for my life right now.

Chances. What are they really? What are the chances that make a lasting difference in our lives forever? I'm sure you have lived enough life to have learned that life isn't easy. When you take risks and chances you often fail. Things don't work out how you want them too. Something somewhere always goes wrong. That's life for you.

But sometimes there are those moments of greatness. The chances you took and won. Chances that made you better even if you did fail the first dozen times. What would our world be like today if no one ever took any chances?

What would the world be like if Thomas Edison hadn't took the chance to create the light bulb. Really, think about it. And what if the Pilgrims had decided it was too much effort to cross the ocean? What if George Washington had given up on his men during the Revolution? What if the signers of the Declaration of Independence didn't take the chance of possibly being hung for treason? What if all the founding fathers gave up writing the Constitution? What if.... The list could go on and on and on. But I think you get the point.

These people never gave up but continued to take chances even when failure was imminent. Look at what has come of it! *Mind Blown* These people changed the world just by doing the impossible. By taking chances and making it work. That doesn't mean they never failed. George Washington and his men didn't win every battle. But they won the one that counted. Do you realize that you could do the same?

Chances don't have to be big things. They can be as simple as going out of your way to talk to a person and make them your friend when they might turn you away. Take a chance to do something you have never done before because you think you might fail. And you might just fail. But you might win too.

I believe that when you fail you still have won. Because every time you fail you learn something from it. The next time you try, you do it a little different. It gives you experience and true knowledge. You'll never know what you are capable of unless you try. But don't be stupid. Somethings you just don't do. You don't have to take the chance and jump off a cliff just to see if you will live after it.

Take chances that will change the world. Chances that will change you, will make you a better person. That is what I define a real chance as. Something that will make you a more refined version of yourself. Something that will make you better inside because of it. Even if you didn't win.

Failure is something humans will never be immune too. Failure happens when we least expect it. But so does victory. Take the chance and be yourself. See what happens. Do things that you love even when people shun you because of it. They are just jealous that you have the guts to do something that they don't.

I promise if you take chances you will be a better person because of it. Even when it doesn't seem like it at the time. Trust me. Everyone has different chances in their lives. Everyone will effect the world differently in a great way. But to do that you have to take chances.

Chances are waiting to be taken, and I can see
Chances are the fascinations
Chances won't escape from me
Chances are only what we make them and all I need

Are you taking Chances?

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