Thursday, April 4, 2013


So my last post was on Mission, and this post is kind of a follow up in relation to that post.

Leadership is a huge part of my mission. I've also noticed something in the rising generation, and some of you might have noticed the same thing. I've noticed that the rising generation has an almost seemingly built-in sense of leadership. Why is that? Well, take a look at what is happening in the world right now. By the time we grow up and get out in the world, we are going to already have to be experienced leaders. Let us just say that God knows what he is doing. So today I wanted to share somethings that I have been learning about leadership.

First of all, there are a ton of components to leadership. I could spend days talking about all the different things that come with leadership. But finally, after spending forever trying to narrow down everything into three words or concepts of leadership. I came up with four. 1. Calling. 2. Courage. 3. Connection. And 4. Follow. But before I get into that I want to clarify one thing. When people think of leadership they tend think of people in high positions. People who "make a difference" in the world. Wrong! Anyone can be a leader! No matter how old, how young, or what your position is in life. I want you to know that you are a leader.

Now let us continue. :)

As I said in my last post. You have a mission, and you need to answer the call of your mission by living it. I believe that all leaders have this calling. It pulls at them, trying to rip them away and make them be the leader they were born to be. People who know they were born to be leaders feel this calling. They feel it so strongly that they can almost touch it. Leaders get up and answer the call. They get up, and they lead.

It takes courage to be a leader. Does it ever! Answering the call is not easy. Leaders put themselves in the most awkward, terrifying, and the most out-of-your-comfort-zone situations you can get in. But if you really want to be a leader. If you really want to answer the call, you have to put yourself in those situations. Heck yes it's scary. Sometimes you'll be shaking so bad that you will shake right out of your socks. But I promise that if you have the courage to face your fears of whatever it is that you fear. I promise that you will feel absolutely incredible. Keep pushing yourself and soon you will realize that being outside of your comfort zone has, become your comfort zone. Always be ready to do something that you have never done before, something that terrifies you. In doing so you will be living in a state of courage, as leaders do.

Gandhi said,
 "I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people."
As I said before leadership isn't being in a high position in the world. Anyone can be a leader. But I believe that to be a truly great and effective leader you have to be able to connect with people. You have to get on their level. You have to serve them. You have to let them know you care. You have to learn to get along with them. You can't force someone to see things your way with your fists. You have to be able to connect with them. Someone can be the best public speaker ever and never miss a beat when they talk. But unless they have something to say that is important to the people, it will mean nothing to them. You will not have been an effective leader. You have got to get right in with the people, you have to be their friend. And let me tell you, from personal experience. Being their friend, is the most rewarding part of being a leader.

Yup, following is a big part of leadership. Leadership is usually seen as one or a few people standing in front leading, making things happen. This is true. But it is also true that effective leaders also take advice from other leaders. As I've said everyone is a leader. Good leaders know this and push other leaders to step outside of their comfort zone and become a leader as well. The following part in leadership is the hardest for me to swallow. My personality is very stubborn. I never need help from anyone and so I never ask. I do my own thing. Live my own life and boss people around in the process to get done whatever it is I currently have my mind set to. Some of you might laugh and not believe it. But I know if you asked any one of my family members they would just laugh and say, "Yep, that's Missy."  Because of this faulty blessing I have, it is really, really, really hard for me to just sit there and let other people do things in a way that I wouldn't. But I'm learning, (the hard way) that part of being a good leader is letting go and following. Letting other people
have the chance to test their leadership abilities and to get out of their comfort zone. Leaders follow because that's what great leaders do.

 When I think about truly great leaders I think about people like Thomas Jefferson, Mother Teressa, Jone Of Ark, Elias Chacour, Church leaders, Christ, and many, many others. Each of these leaders were followers. They connected with people. They had courage. And they answered the call.

Our world needs strong, effective, leaders. It makes me happy to know that there are others that feel the same. Others, like me, who are answering the call. You know who you are. You are a leader. It is time for all leaders to rise up and answer the call. All leaders are different, all lead in different ways. But that doesn't change the fact that you are a leader.

*Group hug* :D

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