Saturday, April 6, 2013


Smile! Ever since I was a little girl, people have told me that I have a beautiful smile. I've been told that I am supposed to bring joy and laughter to people all over the world. So to me smiling is a really big part of my mission.

So what is it about a smile that is just so...amazing? A smile expresses without words, what a person is feeling. A smile expresses love and compassion to all those it is shared with. I've made it a habit to always smile whenever I pass someone at the store or wherever I go. It is so rewarding to see how they react to something so trivial and yet so special.

This semester for my Social Leadership class we are doing a Final Leadership Project. For my project I decided to do a project based all around smiles. I call it The Smile Movement. I decided to do this project because Smiles are so important to me, because they are such a huge part of my mission I know my heavenly Father placed me here to fulfill. Since I have began this project I have had many life changing experiences with what I so lovingly call, "Smiles." 

These "Smiles" are simply pieces of paper that say things about smiles on them, or simply smile written on it.  
The very first thing I did with my project was with my Young Womans group. We made these "Smiles" and  went to Walmart and handed them to total strangers. I will never forget the looks on peoples faces as we handed them a "Smile" and smiled at them.

Since I have been doing this project this question has kept reoccurring to me, What would this world be like if everyone just smiled more? By doing this life changing project I have been able to see a glimpse of  heaven. I believe that if everyone smiled more, we would be one step closer to heaven on earth.

It has been scientifically proven that if you just smile, no matter what your mood, you will almost automatically be happier. I've tested this and it's true. I've realized that smiles have the ability to change a persons life. We don't always know what a person is going through. Who knows you might save a persons life by simply letting them know you care, even if you don't know the person.

So I invite you to join me on my Smile Mission. Lets make the world a better place by letting people know we care. I challenge you to smile, even when you don't feel like it. To smile at people you have never seen before. To let people look you in the face and to see the gratitude in their eyes as they feel things that they do not have the words to say. 

Smiles have literally changed my life. Both the giving and the receiving of them. Help me change the world.



  1. Woah, brainwave, Missy! I was totally going to write about smiles sometime in the near future, too. O.o Wow, we totally had the same thought. :D That's awesome!
    Fabulous post! ^_^

  2. Missy, I LOVE your project! That is so meaningful! I am more than happy to join you on this adventure. :D
