Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Little Things

Has anyone else ever noticed how much the little things in life matter? 

I was just thinking and all of a sudden a totally different thought came to me. It really didn't fit with what I had been thinking about, but sometimes my brain just works that way. ;) But I just was suddenly so amazed at the little things in life. They mean so much to me and I can't even begin to express it with these dull and plain words. They just don't cut it!

The little things. What are they? I think they can be different for every one, yet basically the same. Little. Nothing big, didn't take lots of planning, it just happened. Little things like sitting on the couch and starring out the window and watching the rain poor and puddle on the ground. Sitting outside and drawing on the sidewalk with charcoal, and then watching the rain wash it all away. 

Little things like singing in the kitchen while making delicious food. Or laughing at something as you brush your teeth in the bathroom with your siblings. Or laughing inwardly when your dad picks you up from a dance and he has a funny look on his face cause two boys just walked you to the truck. 

Or feeling the bruises on your behind from sliding down the stairs over and over, and racing your siblings just because you can. Or laughing at your self when you have one of those blond moments that you just seem to have every day. Or jumping on the trampoline with some friends and all laugh as you bump into each other and all fall into a big pile. Or stopping and look at baby ducks, holding them in your hands. Or sit in your bedroom all alone talking to your best friend about your lives for hours. 

Or not wearing any kind of shoes for two whole days, you just go bear foot, not caring if you have dirt on your feet. It just makes them look tanner any way. ;) Siting in your room painting your little sisters nails as she tells you about a book she's been reading. You're happy to see that she is a more avid reader than you ever were. Crazy girl takes after me and she is only almost 7. Little things like going to bed, curling up with a book and looking at the clock and realize it's almost 2 in the morning. 

I don't know about anybody else, but these little things mean a whole lot to me. Little things make the world go round. They make life worth living. Those hugs from your best friend. Those slobbery kisses on the cheek from a little baby. Those moments when you look at the fiery orange sky and bask in the sunset. Those are the moments that matter! 

Don't forget them. Don't take them for granted. Take them, use them, be grateful for them. Because you never know when they might be gone.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! And I love that you are part of the little things in my live! Love you so much!
