Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Path, The Journey, Mastery, Consciously Creating.

I've been on a journey. One that shall never end. 

Lets start at the beginning....
Life has been really hard for me lately. And I haven't been quite sure why. Nothing has happened that should make me feel sad, lonely, depressed, angry...just not right. Nothing has been right, but nothing has been wrong. Worst feeling in the world!!

I started feeling this way at the beginning of the second semester, so right smack in the middle of the school year. I was loving all of my classes for the most part. I was always caught up and getting everything done that I should. I was doing everything right. But still, something was wrong. I wasn't happy. 
Was something wrong with me? 
I started thinking that if I acted like someone else, it would hide my feelings, whatever they really were. Maybe it would solve my problems. WRONG! 

I went to Girls Camp and Youth Conference, being in some of the most beautiful places on earth, and having some wonderful experiences. I realized that it was really time to change. It was time to figure out what the heck was wrong and to get back to the REAL ME! God has a great work for me to do.  And I need to get on it! I knew I needed to do it...but how?

One day I was in the library, looking at part of the great collection of books in my home. I tried several different books, but I was enjoying none of them! Something really rare for me. When I came to this one: Mastery by George Leonard. I had read it before for a Leadership class, but it was time for a review. Soon I realized my problem. I wasn't on the path to Mastery. I was being the Mediocre version of me. NOT COOL!

This book helped me get back on the path to Mastery. But I was still lost. I was on the path.... Now what?

Another book to the rescue! Dun dun dun. (I like books if you can't tell ;))

The Conscious Creator by Kris Krohn and Stephen Palmer. I had heard about this book, and I was excited to read it, but the moment when I held it in my hands I just felt.... Like I was on fire. I was scared, I was excited. Soon I began to read it. I'm still not done with it. It's SO life changing that it's taking me forever to read it! :D

This book is about a man who doesn't know who he is, he isn't happy with the life he is living. And he changes it. He lives his mission and his purpose. He Consciously Creates the life he want's to live. It is truly amazing and life changing!! At the end of nearly every chapter in this outstanding book it tells you to go to their site and buy or download a free copy of the Journal that accompanies the book. "It will not be complete without it." The first few times I saw it I just rolled my eyes and muttered "Marketing" I didn't need the Journal. Or so I thought.

I began to get curious, so I went to their site and found the Journal. I downloaded it and immediately I began walking down the path of Mastery. Yeah, they were still baby steps, but they were steps nonetheless. I've finished the first exercise. The Purpose Finder.  Holy Click! It had been a long time since I had zoned into myself that far. I had a TON of epiphanies. But it worked! I found my purpose. My TRUE Purpose! 

My True Purpose it to express and teach truth of all things. Through writing, love and friendship. 

I have to Know Myself, Master Myself, and Be Myself so I can live my Purpose and the other way around. 
"Know Yourself! Master Yourself! Be Yourself!" <------- My Mission Statement. I've known that my Mission is to Be Myself for a looonng time now, but it's not complete without the Purpose. The reason why to my mission. 

Since I finally figured this out for myself I have had the outstanding peace come over me! I've been happier than I've been in a long time. *Does happy llama dance just because she can* Still, the thought remains in the back of my head; K, I know what I need to do. I know what my Mission AND my Purpose is. I know I need to live up to them. And I know how to do it. By just doing it! Like it or not. But I'm still scared....

Then I remembered this song my mom was listening to a while back. It is probably my all time favorite song right now. It just describes so perfectly exactly how I feel.  

"When you stand up an hold out your hand.
In the face of what I don't understand.
My reason to be BRAVE" 

Need I say more....

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