Monday, August 26, 2013

Beauty Is Here

The more places I go the more I love my home. There is beauty all around us. But that is just it! It is ALL around us. We don't have to fly to another nation or drive for miles to see something beautiful. All you have to do is look around you. Look, just look. There are sunsets, and sunrises. Rainstorms with thunder. Flowers. Green grass and white snow. Look in the mirror, see the beauty there, cause it's there.

Yeah, there are a lot of beautiful things in this world. But I want to love the beauty around me. I love the red rock, the smell of pine in the wind blowing off the mountain. I love the mud between my toes, and the hot sidewalk on my bear feet. Yes, I even love the beauty of the never ending wind blowing through my hair. I love watching my siblings play in the grass filled backyard. And I love eating homegrown tomatoes fresh picked with juice running down my face and elbows.

Hey, I love the little things! You don't have that go to a far off place to see beauty, it's already right in front of your face.

Anyway, just a random thought I had while driving twelve hours coming home from one of the most beautiful places on earth, Yellowstone Wyoming. I love it, it's one of my favorite places on earth, but I love the beauty of my little home state more.

Do you see the beautiful around you?


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