Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Absence of Right

The world falls apart around me.
Families are broken.
Lives lost.
Freedom almost gone. 
Faith has left.
Fear now remains.
Pain is present.
Love is almost nonexistent.
Hope has fled.
Doubt is here.
Green is absent.
Black is not.
Blood, drugs, pain.
The very definition of the world,
The world in which we live.
Abortion, sin, selfishness.
A hunger for truth.
Does the world not see?
No, it is blind.
Do they not hear?
No, they are deaf.
Do they not taste the bitter pain?
No, they have no tongue.
Do they not feel the hurt?
No, they are numb.
Pornography, destruction, brokenness.
Addiction, wrong, smoke, ash, blood.
Because they choose to be,
Blind, deaf, tasteless, and numb.
Color, gone.
Pain, present.
Hope, shattered.
Lives, not worth living. 
Depression, sickness, wicked.
Learning is shallow and hated.
Making merry is sought after.
History repeated.
Why do they not see?
Light is gone.
Dark, red, fire, pain.
Blind, deaf, tasteless, numb. 

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