Wednesday, October 14, 2015


So, it's been a while.... Last I wrote here I had just moved out on my own and was starting a new adventure. Well, my oh my has that adventure turned into something beautiful and amazing. So I'm gonna tell it just like it happened.

My best friend and I moved into our apartment the first week of April. We were happy and excited. I was working, reading, writing, building my LIFE business and having a blast with my friends and being on my own. Everything was going basically exactly how I had always wanted it to. Except for one thing.... I wasn't dating anyone. And I didn't really know anyone I wanted to be dating. Except for one particular guy. The problem was I had no idea if he really even like liked me. But I was hopping he was feeling something similar to what I was feeling for him. But I didn't know. So I decided to pop a bowl of popcorn and settle in for the show.

I'd known him since I was sixteen years old and I'd known of his family since I was six. I'd been taking a class from him and his siblings for a while and as I got older I decided I really liked him. Like a lot. I had been telling myself I was silly for a while then I turned eighteen and all my friends and my mom kept mentioning him. (You know how girls can be... ;) ) We ended up spending a lot of time together hanging out it some of our friend groups and we got to see each other outside of a "student mentor" relationship and grew to be hard and fast friends.

I remember how it happened. Our friends from Montana were down to visit and I texted him and asked if he was coming and though he didn't know out it he quickly came over because I had invited him. We were side by side the rest of the day. That the day he asked me out on our first date that started things rolling very quickly. We were sitting on one of the pavilion tables watching the rain fall. He asked me what I was doing on Friday and I told him nothing with a big grin on my face.

That Friday, May 8th 2015 we had our first date and it was definitely the longest date I'd ever been on. He picked me up at about noon, we went to the store and picked out some ice cream and went back to his house and made a wonderful lunch and delicious cookies to go with our ice cream. I could write a whole post just about the date, maybe someday soon. We did a whole bunch of things that day. We took a walk and he showed me all the places he use to play as a child. We stood on a rock on a nearby hill with our arms around each other. We now claim that hill as ours.

We did a lot of random things and ended up hanging out with our friends and well, lets just say that we have very awkward friends and they made things incredibly awkward. Because of that we ended up having to talk about where we both thought our relationship was going and where we wanted it to go. Four days later we were seriously dating. Officially girlfriend/boyfriend before we even had our second official date. (which he had asked me on before our first was even over.)

That night we sat in the truck for almost three hours talking about us and where we both wanted it to go. We talked about the option of marriage right there. He told me that he doesn't date girls unless he can see him possibly being with them forever. Right there and then I knew my life was going to take a drastic turn very soon and I was going to have to be ready for it. It was also the night a got my very first kiss.

We dated very seriously for almost three months when we bought a ring and he proposed. Yeah, not quite three months. Crazy! it felt so much longer than that. So much happened during that time. And it wasn't an easy time for either of us but we did it. On July 18th 2015 He proposed to me. We were married on Tuesday September 15th 2015 in the St George Utah Temple. It took a lot to get there but we did it. And we did it fast.

It's been just over six months since our first date and we'll have been married for a whole month tomorrow. I can't believe how quickly things have happened. This year I've passed through several different phases. Becoming an adult. Still living at home. Living on my own. Having my first official real boyfriend. My first real kiss. The proposal and marriage. And all in just about 11 months.

 It's been the craziest, most amazing adventure of my life and it's really just beginning and I'm so excited to live the rest of my life with my best friend. He's everything I've ever dreamed of and more I only hope that I can always live to be the woman of his. I owe so much to him and our families who have done so much for us. And I can never thank my mom and daddy for helping become the woman I am today.

- Missy DeMille

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