Thursday, March 26, 2015

Life Begins... or Continues. ;)

Okay, so it's been waaaayyy to long since I've written anything on this little blog of mine. I kinda forgot I even had it. ;P But I actually have a second so I'm gonna see what happens here cause life has certainly been crazy of late and I don't think it's going to stop for a while yet.

Five months ago I turned the young old age of 18. The next few months nothing really extraordinary happened. It was just one year older. Then kinda out of no place... KAPOW! It's time to grow up and start new adventures. Me and my BFF decided we wanted to find an apartment in my little town and move in together. Something we'd honestly been dreaming about since we were eight years old.

So, the short of it is that I've been working... a lot... so I can pay rent. I've been helping mentor a writing group in the best class and overall thing that really has ever happened to me at this point. I've finished the first draft of the book I've been coauthoring with another of my best friends. I've gotten involved in a super cool leadership business with more of my best friends and am loving it! (Ya'll should ask me about it sometimes.) And I'm never home for more than nine or twelve hours in a day. (That includes sleep time.)

All that has really happened in the course of a month or two. And in less than a week I'm flying the coup and I'll be living on my own. I'm terrified! But not enough to not be excited or to back out. Everyone keeps acting like it's this big deal, and, well, it is. But I guess it doesn't seem such a big deal to me because it's the right thing to do.

It's not really the things that are happening that are the big deal, it's the emotions they cause.

Emotions like fear, sadness, worry, excitement, stress, and other things I'm not sure even have words. Emotions that seem to be caused by the same roots but aren't totally related.  I'm not going anywhere. I'm just placing the next piece of the puzzle where it needs to be.

There comes a time when we all have to step outside of our comfort zone. We all have to venture into new fields of life and all do new things. If we want to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams we can't stay in our same shell.

I've got dreams. Big dreams! And I'm a dream chaser.

Look out world! Miss Muffet has been set loose.

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