Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year

Welcome 2016! This year will be full of new surprises and adventures! New struggles and tears. New laughter and warm hearts. New things to do. New stories to get to tell. New people to meet and new places to see.

This might just be another year. But just like every year it's full of great, awesome and crazy experiences. For me this year is going to be different than every other year up to this point. Sorta like last year, but still different. Ya'll know about my adventures in grand old 2015. I had plenty of adventures galore. From turning 18, moving out, having my first official boyfriend, first kiss, engaged and married to the love of my life. So yeah, it was a crazy world. This year I've got some big dreams that I'm going to achieve.

I hope this year can be just a little bit slower. There are so many things that I wanted to do that I just never got around to last year. I want this year to be different. I want to reach and achieve all of my little goals as well as the big ones. I want to read, study and learn lots this year. I want to teach and help lots of people. I also want to write lots and lots and lots and lots. Lots upon lots of words on lots of pages. Yup, that's a lot of lots. ;)

Anyway, I also want to be making enough money with our Financial and Leadership business that we can move out of our little redneck trailer home (the one with the hay bales stacked around it) and into an apartment home of some kind. I know it isn't going to be as easy as I would sometime like but I know it will be totally worth it. Just think about it! I could have a real bathroom AND a closet AND a real kitchen. Sounds like paradise to me. :)

Now, don't get me wrong. I love living in our little trailer. It's a fun adventure and we're making great memories that I'm already excited to tell our kids and grandkids about one day. Fun memories are always made in the small and simple situations. There have been some icy cold nights where we've had lots of blankets and close cuddles. But hey, I love fuzzy blankets and great cuddles, so I don't mind. But it is nice now that we finally figured out the furnace.

I love living so close to my in-laws, we definitely have a blast! Watching movies and making yummy food to fill our bellies with. Laughing until we cry. Discussing all kinds of strange and cool things. Staying up until after 1 am laughing way too hard at Memes and Vines because, well, it just kinda happened.

Life is one great big lovely adventure. All the little moments and memories wrapping up into one big lifetime. It's the little moments that make us who we are and who we want to be. There's so much more improving I have to do before my life is over. And I know that I'll never quite be as perfect in this life as I want to be. But that's no excuse for not trying.

This year will present me with new friends and new possibility that I never thought of before just like every year does. I will be better. I will become stronger. I will achieve some of my biggest dreams this year. And to anyone who thinks dreams never come true, just watch me.

- Missy DeMille

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