Saturday, December 21, 2013

Boring or Awesome?

Have you ever thought your life was boring?

What about lame?
Dull and well, kinda worthless?

Welcome to life! Hello real world!
Sweep that floor again. Brush your teeth and take a shower. Go to bed, sleep, get up and eat. Go about your day, laugh and cry. Do a few same old same old things. Eat more food, get more sleep. Homework, homework, homework. Talk to a person. Cram for that test. Wake up exhausted.

Life, sucks. We go through life doing the same things. We get up, get ready, eat food, go to work or school, come home, eat, mozzy around and then go back to bed. That, more or less, is the extent of life.


That's for darn sure.

Now here is a deeper question.....

Have you ever hated life?

Like not just got frustrated and said you hated life, but really actually, truly hated it?

If you said yes, then you are dead wrong.

Have you ever thought that your life was crazy fun?

Full of light?
Brilliant and well, awesome?

Welcome to life! Welcome to the real world.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that life is full of opposition. Yes, we do a lot of the same things every. single. day! Put a smile on your face and enjoy them all. Turn on your favorite play list and jam out while you clean your room or sweep the floor. It's okay to get frustrated with life sometimes. It happens to everyone. Just don't forget the beauty in it all.
Because it is there.

You don't hate your life. Your life is good.

Life is made up of both the good and the not so good. Give away a smile to a stranger. Make your day awesome, even if it is rather lame.

<3 Missy


  1. Awwww....thanks for the lovely reminder, Missy. <3 You're pretty awesome.

  2. Any time Kim! You're pretty awesome yourself. ;D
