Monday, January 27, 2014

Boxes/We Are Made for Greater Things

I am strange and different. I might eat, speak and do different things than you. You see me and instantly you will label me. You will put a sticker on my forehead and will place me in a group with others you think are like me. A Box with all the other odd ones. You label us and place us in our appointed Boxes. Some go in this Box, others in that one. Just depending on what they look like, smell like, act like. Everyone you see has a Box they “belong” in.
But what about you? You place yourself here or there, in this one or that one. You, like me, are never truly satisfied with your place. You try and “fit.” You try and squeeze into the “cool” Boxes while you shun the “weird” ones. People are crammed inside. It’s hot, stuffy, and totally miserable. You are pushed out and you shove into another and yet another. You are placed in some, you stay in others, but never for long. You aren't exactly what you would call happy.

You see other Boxes. Lone Boxes made for only one person. Boxes that you can never get into no matter how hard you try. Some have people inside, others stand empty, sad and beckoning. You wonder what they’re all about, but you never care enough to find out why.

You live your life in Boxes. Crammed full of people just like you, trying to fit in. Most of the people you know have spent their whole lives this way. Just cramming, and letting themselves be placed by others. They follow the crowd, placing everyone they meet in their “appointed” Boxes.

But what about those other Boxes? They look calm and cool and comfortable. Maybe there is one out there waiting for you. You search and search and search, wondering if you can ever feel content. You notice for the first time that some people won’t leave their own comfortable boxes.

They are happy and satisfied, why should they change just so they can “fit?” You want to be like that. You’re tired of being shoved and shoving. You want your own Box. You search and search. You look and try to find yourself, your Box. Your place, your purpose. You find the pieces and build it. You fit perfectly with room to learn and grow.

Everybody is different. No two are the same. So why do we all label, place and fit ourselves into Boxes where we do not belong? We struggle to find the cool and comfortable Boxes of our own. Don’t be placed. Don’t shove yourself inside. Find and know yourself. Master who you are and don’t let anybody move you. Just be happy to be yourself!  

- Missy Nelson

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