Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Dear Friend,

You are such a beautiful child. So innocent and kind. You have so much to do in this life. But there are some things that you need to know. This world is not as kind as you make it seem. Actually, the world is just the opposite. I’m afraid I’ve seen too much of it. I’ve been with you since you were born and I have developed into quite a little person right alongside of you. But the truth is that you’re getting older and I’m already beginning to fade. I know it has never been your intention to cause me to disappear but it is happening none the less.

There is something that you do not know and are not seeing. But I see it. I see her. She is terrifying and her hold on you is deepening and it makes me ever so sad. I fear I will melt into nothing as you grow and as The Dragons hold increases. I wish there was something I could do that would help you to fight her off. But you see, I am only a creation of your imagination. Every child is born with a friend like me. But sadly, many of us disappear into nothing, sometimes long before adulthood is ever reached.

Status Quo is doing a very good job at stifling out all fun and all imagination in this world. I fear that it is too late and that you are already too lost in her cavern to ever return to me. And yet, I still hope. For I am still here which means that you have not yet forgotten me entirely. Please remember who you really are. What you love and the dreams you had.

Remember the cowboys and Indians. The mermaids and the days of pretending to be every kind of animal known to you. Horses, dogies, cats, fish. The list goes on. Remember the silly songs we used to sing. The adventures in the back yard we used to have Remember the stories your mother would read to you and how we’d reenact them in a totally different way each time. Remember the patterns we would find in the stars and the friends we’d find in the clouds. Remember pretending that thunder was actually armies coming to attack our home. Remember how we were the fearless warriors who never ever backed down and always won the war no matter the cost.

Please remember that you are a knight in shining armor. Remember when you saved the princess who was locked away in the tallest tower guarded by the biggest dragon? Now it is almost as if you are the one locked away in the tallest tower, but you are still the only one who has the power to save yourself.

I promise that I’ve never left your side for a moment. I’m still here. Watching you, waiting for the moment when you will choose to see me once again. So far, that moment has not come. And with each passing day, I fade a little more.  But I still believe in you and know that it is possible for both of us to be free from Status Quo's clutches.

You humans have a power that no one else in this world does. You have the power of imagination. You can have, hold and command anything you desire. All you have to do is believe. Neverland never existed until one little boy we all know as Peter Pan imagined it. There was no Queen of Hearts or talking White Rabbits until Alice imagined Wonderland.There was no Pooh Bear and the Hundred Acre Woods without Christopher Robbin.  There was no music in this world until someone imagined it and made it so. There was no light bulb until Thomas Edison imagined it. How could have Cinderella gone to the royal ball in a coach made from a pumpkin without having first imagined her Fairy Godmother?

The truth is, there was no great Dragon until you all imagined her.

Do you not see the power that you hold? Do you understand that you are the one in control of what happens in your life? You are the one who imagines it. So imagine. Imagine what you could be. What you could do. I will be there with you through all of it. Waiting for our adventures to continue. If I fade I can come back. But it will be much harder for both of us.

Please remember your dreams and that they are possible. That they can be a reality; if you let them.

Please, pick up your mighty sword and slay The Dragon like we used to.

Love, your Imaginary Friend.

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